

To publish a scientific article:

  1. Prepare the article and author information as required..
  2. Send the prepared materials to the editorial office by e-mail
  3. Within three days you will receive a notification that your article has been sent for review, or a proposal to refine it with a list of technical comments that need to be eliminated.
  4. After successfully passing the review and accepting the article for publication, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail.
  5. After final preparation, the article is published on the website in the “Fresh Issue” section. It is available for quoting and downloading even before the issue is finalized.
  6. After preparing the next issue, it is placed in online library systems (1, CIBERLENINKA, Лань,,, РУКОНТ, Znanium, IPRsmart, SciUp) and indexed in РИНЦ.

There is no fee for publishing articles.
